Установка доступна по ссылке: https://github.com/immisterio/Lampac
curl -L -k -s https://lampac.sh | bash
- Порт генерируется рандомно и выводится в конце установки скрипта
- Изменить или посмотреть порт можно в init.conf - grep "listenport" /home/lampac/init.conf
Положить pubtorr.js в /home/lampac/wwwroot/pubtorr.js
(function() { 'use strict'; window.lampa_settings = { torrents_use: true, demo: false, read_only: false, socket_use: true, account_use: true, account_sync: true, plugins_store: true, feed: true, white_use: true, push_state: true, lang_use: true, plugins_use: true } window.lampa_settings.disable_features = { dmca: true, reactions: false, discuss: false, ai: false, install_proxy: false, subscribe: false, blacklist: false, persons: false } var timer = setInterval(function() { if (typeof Lampa !== 'undefined') { clearInterval(timer); if ({btn_priority_forced}) Lampa.Storage.set('full_btn_priority', '{full_btn_priority_hash}'); var unic_id = Lampa.Storage.get('lampac_unic_id', ''); if (!unic_id) { unic_id = Lampa.Utils.uid(8).toLowerCase(); Lampa.Storage.set('lampac_unic_id', unic_id); } Lampa.Utils.putScriptAsync(["{localhost}/privateinit.js?account_email=" + encodeURIComponent(Lampa.Storage.get('account_email', '')) + "&uid=" + encodeURIComponent(Lampa.Storage.get('lampac_unic_id', ''))], function() {}); if (!Lampa.Storage.get('lampac_initiale', 'false')) { if (window.appready) start() else { Lampa.Listener.follow('app', function(e) { if (e.type == 'ready') start() }) } } {deny} {pirate_store} } }, 200); function start() { Lampa.Storage.set('lampac_initiale', 'true'); Lampa.Storage.set('source', 'cub'); Lampa.Storage.set('video_quality_default', '2160'); Lampa.Storage.set('full_btn_priority', '{full_btn_priority_hash}'); // Lampa.Storage.set('proxy_tmdb', '{country}' == 'RU'); Lampa.Storage.set('proxy_tmdb','true'); Lampa.Storage.set('poster_size', 'w300'); Lampa.Storage.set('screensaver','false'); Lampa.Storage.set('parser_use', 'true'); Lampa.Storage.set('jackett_url', '{jachost}'); Lampa.Storage.set('jackett_key', '1'); Lampa.Storage.set('parser_torrent_type', 'jackett'); var plugins = Lampa.Plugins.get(); var plugins_add = [ {initiale}, {"url": "{localhost}/pubtorr.js","status": 1, "name": "Выбор парсеров", "author": "Me"}, {"url": "{localhost}/plugins/rating.js","status": 1, "name": "Рейтинг КиноПоиск и IMDB", "author": "@t_anton"}, {"url": "https://lampaplugins.github.io/store/p.js","status": 1, "name": "Подборки", "author": "@lampa_land"} ]; var plugins_push = [] plugins_add.forEach(function(plugin) { if (!plugins.find(function(a) { return a.url == plugin.url })) { Lampa.Plugins.add(plugin); Lampa.Plugins.save(); plugins_push.push(plugin.url) } }); if (plugins_push.length) Lampa.Utils.putScript(plugins_push, function() {}, function() {}, function() {}, true); /* setTimeout(function(){ Lampa.Noty.show('Плагины установлены, перезагрузка через 5 секунд.',{time: 5000}) },5000) */ } })();
Выключить torrserver и включить парсер:
[{"enable":true,"initspace":"Tracks.ModInit","dll":"Tracks.dll"},{"enable":false,"initspace":"TorrServer.ModInit","dll":"TorrServer.dll"},{"enable": true,"initspace": "Jackett.ModInit","dll": "JacRed.dll"}]
Настройки /home/lampac/init.conf
"listenhost": "lamp.ruii.ru",
"timeoutSeconds": 10,
"cachetype": "file",
"fileCacheInactiveDay": 3,
"htmlCacheToMinutes": 20,
"torrentCacheToMinutes": 40,
"emptycache": true,
"multiaccess": true,
"timeoutSeconds": 10,
"listenip": "any", // any | broadcast |
"listenport": 9118,
"pirate_store": true,
"log": false,
"apikey": "",
"litejac": true, // Включить Jackett в Lampa Lite
"anticaptchakey": "", // anti-captcha.com
"corsehost": "https://cors.bwa.workers.dev",
"LampaWeb": {
"autoupdate": true,
"index": "lampa-main/index.html", // redirect http://IP:9118/ to http://IP:9118/{index}
"basetag": true,
"initPlugins": { // add default plugins to lampainit.js, liteinit.js
"dlna": false,
"tracks": false,
"tmdbProxy": true,
"online": false,
"timecode": false,
"torrserver": false,
"sisi": false
"fileCacheInactiveDay": {
"html": 1,
"img": 1,
"torrent": 2
"crontime": { // minute
"updateLampaWeb": 20,
"clearCache": 60,
"updateTrackers": 120
"cub": {
"enable": true,
"domain": "cub.red",
"scheme": "https", // or http
"useproxy": false,
"proxy": {
"list": [
"socks5://ip:port" // "socks5://"
Устанавливаем прокси для cub.red
apt install dante-server
nano /etc/danted.conf
#logoutput: syslog
user.privileged: root
user.unprivileged: nobody
# The listening network interface or address.
internal: port=1080
# The proxying network interface or address.
external: eth0
# socks-rules determine what is proxied through the external interface.
socksmethod: none
# client-rules determine who can connect to the internal interface.
clientmethod: none
socks pass {
# from: to:
from: to:
client pass {
# from: to:
from: to:
systemctl restart danted.service
systemctl status danted.servic